Thursday, April 19, 2007


That's my question? What's wrong with staying single? I mean wherever i go I'm constantly served with teenagers walking hand in hand every where.... OK... I understand if you are saying that you met the right person and you are in love and all..

But I'm talking about when the so called 'LOVE' wears off and reality checks in. Then, the break up comes and all hell breaks loose.....You decide to break up when thing gets to hard to handle and you cant feel the chemistry anymore... Few weeks later you holding hands with someone else.. I mean why not give yourself sometime and enjoy the new found freedom?

I asked this question to my friend and she said that it is very lonely without a man by your side... Oh, come on!!! You were not born with your boyfriend stuck to your hand!!! If you are 20, than you spent 3/4 of your life alone without a boyfriend!!!! How did you live your life then???

I feel its unfair to jump into a relationship just because you are lonely. What you got to offer your partner is just an empty space that you are hoping that he/she can fill it for you.... Is it fair if you partner wants you to fill his loneliness only?... For me, in a relationship, i want to share everything... happiness, sadness, laughter, tears, everything!!!!

I like the fact of staying single... You can go wherever you want, anytime you want. Don't need to tell anybody or even feel guilty that you are having fun even though the special someone is not with you. AND the best part is that you can discover yourself and learn to be YOURSELF!!!! You DON'T NEED TO CHANGE FOR ANYONE! You are who you are!!!


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